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Helping Restaurants Grow

Realm Kitchen enables underutilized real estate to be tailored to meet the diverse needs of the surrounding neighborhood.

Our ghost kitchens are food-service facilities set up for delivery-only option. It’s different that the traditional dine-in space, we use your kitchen and our proven brand concepts to boost your delivery sales. We provide a wider margin to profits by:

Open Your Ghost-Kitchen

Partner With Us


Add A Brand-New Revenue Stream

With the restaurant industry suddenly evolving due to the recent circumstances, you’ve had to pivot & adjust – optimizing your takeout and delivery services rapidly. Currently, with dine-in restrictions many restaurants are experiencing challenges more than ever financially. But what if there was a way to help offset these restrictions with an entirely new revenue stream? Realm Kitchen offers a service that can make it easier than you ever imagined. Our solution will make building you ghost kitchen easy!

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We’ve collected more important questions & answers which will help to understand how our process work and how Realm Kitchen can help.

What are ghost kitchens?
Ghost kitchens, also known as virtual brands or kitchens, are digital storefronts on delivery platforms that enable brick and mortar restaurants to reach more customers and increase food sales.
How much does our service cost?
Our pricing is structured based on each unique business. Our cost is straightforward and incentive-based. We guarantee prices for your food when you sign up. We only make money when you make money.
Who are we seeking?
Our target market are owners with experienced restaurant operators looking to add supplemental income with minimum investment.
Who are we not seeking?
Restaurant operators looking to get rich quick - this isn't the setup. This will take time to build and develop just like any good business.
What we do?
We handle all the setup, training, pictures, marketing, website integration, and social media (extra cost).
we work with

The Apps

We can provide a special service for businesses to achieve high results. Through our third party app integration partner, Cuboh, we assist in setting you up with all major delivery applications including but not limited too:

they say about us

Customer Reviews

West Hollywood, CA
We couldn't be more happy with our choice to work with Realm Kitchen. 2020 was a tough year for the restaurant industry and without the normal foot traffic our sales were tanking. We partnered with Realm Kitchen and everything changed... we are busier than ever!
West Hollywood, CA
Los Angeles, CA
You have to take the first step and sign up! Before last year we never really utilized the delivery space but with Realm Kitchen we have become a local power house on the delivery apps. Their popular brand is a neighborhood fav!
Los Angeles, CA
Koreatown, CA
We turned our under-utilized kitchen into a a booming delivery hub for our community. People love the Realm Kitchen's Lobster & Beer brand! We are so blessed we signed up. And to be honest we are making more profit than ever before.
Koreatown, CA
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